انتفاء الحاجة لتطوير ادوات الانتاج والفلترة

في قناة للمطورين رأيت هذه المحادثة

[16:37] <@tp7> [06:17:56] the videos that require some serious avs processing become rare and rare
[16:37] <@tp7> [06:18:28] so of course the community is dying
[16:37] <Myrsloik> [06:18:49] would be more fun if all video was shit
[16:37] <@tp7> [06:18:51] even for anime you’ll mostly be fine with just runtime debanding / optional ivtc
[16:37] <@tp7> [06:18:54] yeah
[16:37] <Myrsloik> [06:18:58] I need the excitement
[16:37] <ino> [06:19:46] cross-conversion XD
[16:37] <Myrsloik> [06:22:45] hopefully there’ll be enough stuff that never gets a bluray release and only mediocre dvd
[16:37] <Myrsloik> [06:22:58] in the obscure sections
[16:37] <ino> [06:23:26] or qtec’d BD.
06[16:37] * Myrsloik [06:23:53] resumes the fight against imagemagick
[16:37] <Myrsloik> [06:24:09] the fucking dicks said they fixed the official binaries
[16:37] <Myrsloik> [06:24:12] it was a lie
[16:37] <@tp7> [06:35:06] what are you using imagemagick for even
[16:37] <Myrsloik> [06:36:47] the despicable imwri imagereader
[16:37] <Myrsloik> [06:37:09] I’m more and more tempted to try to improve ffmpeg
[16:37] <Myrsloik> [06:37:47] I’m going to write a blog post about it
[16:37] <***> Playback Complete.
[16:37] <Myrsloik> they don’t have a bug tracker
[16:37] <@tp7> can’t you just hack on pillow or something
[16:38] <Myrsloik> they have a bug forum
[17:36] <line0> <@tp7> the videos that require some serious avs processing become rare and rare <-  you think this will become true as you keep telling yourself that? http://puu.sh/f8YR3/4bffe6dc21.png
[17:37] <@tp7> omg there’s still some bad video being produced omg
[17:38] <line0> yes it is
[17:38] <line0> and stuff that can’t be fixed by runtime processing is in fact not rare at all
[17:39] <line0> it’s being released on a daily basis
02[17:43] * @tp7 ([email protected]) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
03[17:44] * tp7 ([email protected]) has joined #avs-plus
03[17:44] * ChanServ sets mode: +o tp7
[17:44] <@tp7> you’re either trolling or idk, trolling
[17:44] <line0> what?
[17:44] <@tp7> do you realize that anime streaming is like 0.0000001% of all released videos
[17:45] <@tp7> sure, there are some things that need complex processing
[17:45] <torch> by that logic, things that require complex processing (and hence Avisynth) have always been rare
[17:45] <@tp7> the amount of those things compared to all videos produced is getting lower and lower
[17:45] <@tp7> not exactly
[17:45] <torch> it’s not “lower and lower”, it’s “low and still low”
[17:46] <@tp7> take home-made videos for example
[17:46] <line0> ok, if we’re going to asspull random numbers here…
[17:46] <torch> people don’t care if their homemade videos have random telecine or blending or whatever
[17:46] <line0> 90% of all released video is web streams, home made video etc
[17:46] <line0> and it’s all broken
[17:46] <@tp7> 10-15 years ago you had to process it significantly to make it watchable, which is exactly what avisynth was designed for
[17:46] <@tp7> and if you lurk on not anime-related forums
[17:47] <@tp7> you’ll see that lots of avisynth users still process home-made video made 15 years ago
[17:47] <@tp7> and only very few of them care about stuff they shoot these days
[17:47] <@tp7> because it’s good enough
[17:47] <Myrsloik> Gotta process the vhs tapes of children
[17:48] <@tp7> line0, if you have another theory on why avisynth and general complex video processing community is dying then sure, go ahead
[17:48] <@tp7> lemme guess – it’s because avs doesn’t have x64
[17:48] <@tp7> or multithreading
[17:48] <@tp7> riiiiiiight
[17:48] <line0> because it’s a niche with a high cost of entry
[17:49] <line0> it’s always been
[17:49] <@tp7> and people are getting dumber hence the community doesn’t get any new blood
[17:50] <@tp7> makes sense
[17:50] <@tp7> definitely not because the demand for it is dying
[17:50] <@tp7> right
[17:50] <line0> few people are going to commit vast amounts of time to this hobby. and there have been a few people on the “scene” who weren’t there 15 years ago
[17:51] <line0> you just conveniently ignore them for the sake of your argument
[17:51] <line0> it’s just that the community is very small to begin with
[17:51] <@tp7> it’s not small, compared to what it was even 5 years ago it’s pretty much dead
[17:52] <torch> in some sense, it’s because the major problems (high-quality aa, deinterlacing, debanding, etc.) have been “solved”
[17:52] <line0> i’m not even arguing about it being dead
[17:52] <torch> there’s much less demand for new plugins now
[17:52] <line0> it was as dead 3 years ago as it was today
[17:53] <line0> your personal interests shifting and you getting a macbook didn’t change that
[17:53] <torch> they were solved not because sources got better (partly that too, though), but because people already made scripts/plugins to handle that
[17:53] <line0> nothing changed
[17:57] <@tp7> torch, anime-aside, sources got a lot better
[17:57] <@tp7> and even in anime
[17:57] <line0> news flash: technology marches on
[17:57] <@tp7> yeah, and old technology dies
[17:57] <line0> of course they get better, but so do our standards
[17:58] <line0> also there are new problems that come with new technology
[17:58] <@tp7> what are you even trying to prove
[17:58] <@tp7> the fact that you personally and a few “elite” anime encoders still need complicated tools
[17:58] <@tp7> sure, you are correct here
[17:58] <line0> banding is worse with new technology than it ever was
[17:59] <line0> and i’m not seeing old technology like interlacing die
[18:01] <line0> it was always a select few that (consciously) used avisynth
[18:02] <@tp7> what are you trying to prove again?
[18:02] <Myrsloik> that elitism is awesome?
[18:03] <line0> that nothing changed about avisynth’s popularity
[18:03] <line0> it was never popular to begin with
[18:04] <@tp7> but that’s totally wrong if you compare activity on d9 and other resources a few years ago and now
[18:04] <line0> and you just like to make it sound that it’s now deader than it was before because you were in the center of its development once
[18:04] <Myrsloik> tp7 was never in the center of development
[18:04] <Myrsloik> dureing its more active years
[18:05] <line0> then when avs+ didn’t get even close to the amount of github stars babbys first javascript project got, you finally realized
[18:05] <line0> but he was about a year ago
[18:06] <line0> since then his opinion on how necessary video processing is shifted dramatically
[18:07] <line0> <@tp7> but that’s totally wrong if you compare activity on d9 and other resources a few years ago and now <- do you happen to have access to visitor/usage graphs by any chance?
[18:07] <@tp7> not really, I complained about processing being unnecessary on BDs for years
[18:07] <line0> because apparently alexa doesn’t provide any long term data for free, anymore
[18:08] <@tp7> it’s pointless to compare whole site stats for avisynth
[18:08] <@tp7> since 90% of that stat is madvr, lav filters and a bit of x264
[18:08] <@tp7> and no, I don’t
[18:08] <line0> nice backpedal
[18:10] <line0> the avisynth sections are the most popular on d9
[18:10] <line0> and many of the other popular sections (newbies, capturing video) are connected to it
[18:11] <@tp7> http://puu.sh/f938x/643fa6b4ec.png  http://puu.sh/f935B/332b520c85.png
[18:11] <@tp7> idk this doesn’t agree with you
[18:11] <@tp7> at all
[18:11] <line0> so whole site stats for d9 should give us a picture
[18:12] <line0> so most visitors are passersby, ok.
[18:13] <line0> we’d probably need information on those 17% direct users
02[18:15] * Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Jan 28 18:15:18 2015

Session Start: Wed Jan 28 20:05:03 2015
Session Ident: #avs-plus
03[20:05] * Now talking in #avs-plus
03[20:05] * Topic is ‘Avisynth+ official development channel | Help test MT! Experimental build at http://goo.gl/e0VFYn | Help filling mt modes: https://pad.riseup.net/p/avs_plus_mt_modes | Intrinsics guide: http://asm.avs-plus.net/ | Plugins porting queue: http://goo.gl/kPywxZ’
03[20:05] * Set by [email protected] on Thu Mar 06 02:12:36

وما زال بعض الناس مخدوعين بمن يضع لهم بعض الشارب وتغيير الالوان -_-

فليشاهدوا http://youtu.be/R-qmSQvRQkE


5 تعليقات على “انتفاء الحاجة لتطوير ادوات الانتاج والفلترة

  1. أولاً: سعدتُ برؤيتكَ مجددًا في 2015 يا أمجد! (وها هو نوري قد ذهب! افرح!)
    ثانيًا: لم أقرأ المحادثة ولكن بخصوص آخر ما جاء في التدوينة:
    Filters vs TS vs Blu-Ray أظن المشاهد الذكي لن يُخدع.
    وشخصيًا أعتمد على VLC بدون استخدام مؤثرات Real Time التي يحتويها.

    • انا فرحان من يومها 😛 ولكن الفرحة ليست كاملة، وستكتمل بيوم ما يمسك الحكم ناس مدنيين او الافضل ليبراليين

      حتى انا لا اشاهد بالفلترة في vlc الا لو كان اصدار من هوربل اذ يحتاج بعض الديباند احيانا

      ولكن اخالفك بموضوع المشاهد الذكي، اذا هو المترجم وكثير منتجين حتى مخدوعين، وبل حتى من يعمل مواضيع للمشاهدين وحتى بعض المواضيع الانتاجية، فكيف بالاحرى سيكون المشاهد؟ السمكة من رأسها فاسدة كما يقولون عندنا في العراق

  2. لو تتكرم لم افهم هذه لو تفهمني

    انا فرحان من يومها 😛 ولكن الفرحة ليست كاملة، وستكتمل بيوم ما يمسك الحكم ناس مدنيين او الافضل ليبراليين

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